
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Stay Dog Safe

Today we had a visitor from the Auckland City Council come and talk to us about staying dog safe. We practised what do when we meet a dog and what to do if a dog comes up to meet us in a playground or at the beach. Can you remember the any of the 9 safety messages we learnt? leave a comment below.

Monday 29 October 2012


Remember to check out the new page "Notices" at the top of the blog to find out what is coming up. 
Two notices were handed out today;
- Athletics Day is on Tuesday 6th November
- Class Trip is on Thursday 15th November

Sunday 28 October 2012


Swimming for room 15 starts next week, week 4! Room 15's swimming day is Tuesday and we will be swimming from 2-3pm. On our swimming day we need to bring our togs and towel in a swimming bag and hang it next to our bag. To make sure we do not misplace anything, we need to make sure everything is named.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Art outside

For Art this week we thought about what Art is and what you need for Art.  Today we left all our pencils and paper in the class and went outside to create art out of sticks and bark in the playground.  Have a look at the awesome pictures we made.

Planting time...

This week we did some some gardening! We planted four different types of seeds; radish, lettuce, water-cress and purple basil! We dug a hole and covered the seeds in dirt. Our 'plant-sitters' take the planting trays out into the sun at lunchtimes and water the seeds at the end of the day. Now all we have to do is wait and watch them grow.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Moving to the beat

Today we learnt that we don't need to have instruments to make music. We had lots of fun using this website to mix sounds, beats, and effects to make a song. Click on the link below to give it a go!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

News for the day

Today we read an article about a HUGE pumpkin that weighed 805 kgs. It won a competition in Oregon, United states. We found out that the pumpkin weighed as many as 30 Leahs or 28 Eves. How many of you would weigh the same as the pumpkin?


Sunday 14 October 2012

Topic for term 4

In Term 4 we are going to be learning about plants and vegetables and how to take care of them. 
Today we looked in our lunch boxes to see what vegetables or fruit we could find. Watch the video to see how healthy we are ..